Tangible Net Asset Value (TNAV) movements Q3 2016 Q4 2015 £m Shares in TNAV per £m Shares in TNAV per issue (m) share issue (m) share Starting TNAV 39,822 11,792 338p 40,943 11,625 352p (1) (4,237) (36p) (5,089) (43p) Loss for the period post tax Less: profit to NCI / other owners (134) (1p) (1,707) (14p) (503) (4p) 1,067 9p Other comprehensive Income o/w AFS 68 1p (94) (1p) o/w Cashflow hedging gross of tax (750) (6p) 765 6p 11p o/w FX (13) - 1,263 o/w Remeasurement of net defined - (2) (1,049) (9p) pension liability 2p 2p 194 182 o/w Tax Less: OCI attributable to NCI / other owners 9 - (111) (1p) Redemption of preference shares - - - (420) (4p) Proceeds of share issuance 61 31 (1p) 466 198 (2p) (2) (36) - (167) (1p) Other movements Q4 2016 Q4 2016 End of period TNAV 34,982 11,823 296p 34,982 11,823 296p 37 (1) . (2) Loss for the period is pre non controlling interests and other owners dividends and excludes write-down of goodwill and other intangible assets Other reserve movements including intangibles.