Notable items - Expenses (£m) FY 2016 FY 2015 Q4 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2015 Total Expenses (16,194) (16,353) (7,354) (2,911) (5,761) Restructuring (2,106) (2,931) (1,007) (469) (614) o/w Williams & Glyn (1,456) (658) (810) (301) (209) Litigation & Conduct (5,868) (3,568) (4,128) (425) (2,124) o/w US RMBS (3,300) (2,100) (3,051) (249) (1,500) o/w RBS’ treatment of SME’s (400) - (400) - - o/w PPI (601) (600) (201) - (500) o/w Ulster mortgage tracker (172) - (77) - - Writedown of Goodwill - (498) - - (498) Adjusted Expenses (8,220) (9,356) (2,219) (2,017) (2,525) o/w central VAT recovery 227 - - - - Bank Levy (190) (230) (190) - (230) o/w UK PBB (34) (45) (34) - (45) o/w Ulster Bank RoI (3) (9) (3) - (9) o/w Commercial (90) (103) (90) - (103) o/w Private (19) (22) (19) - (22) o/w RBSI (19) (18) (19) - (18) o/w CIB (13) (24) (13) - (24) o/w Capital Resolution (22) (43) (22) - (43) o/w Central 10 34 10 - 34 Impairments (478) 727 75 (144) 327 Capital Resolution (253) 725 130 (120) 356 o/w Shipping Portfolio (treated as part of disposal losses) (424) (82) 30 (190) (83) Ulster Bank RoI 113 141 47 39 10 Commercial (206) (69) (83) (20) (27) 36

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