Credit risk FY 2016 REILs FY 2016 Ulster ROI REILs £bn (as % of Total Gross L&As) £bn (as % of Total Gross L&As) (74%) (54%) (28.5%) 39.4 (9.4%) 7.6 Capital Resolution 20.3 Ex Capital 3.5(17.4%) Resolution 10.3 (3.1%) 19.1 2.3 8.0 FY 2013 FY 2016 (1) FY 2013 FY 2016  Excluding Ulster Bank ROI and Capital Resolution the REIL ratio is 1.5% (1) 41 In 2016 Ulster Bank ROI widened the definition of non-performing loans which are considered to be impaired to include multiple forbearance arrangements and probationary mortgages.

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