We are building a more sustainable bank We are developing leadership positions on enterprise and financial capability Supporting enterprise Building financial capability Entrepreneurial Spark Boost Financial Education Opening accounts Continued supporting UK Launched Boost - a free MoneySense, our 22 year We opened a further start-up and scale up advice and expertise flagship financial education 40,860 Foundation businesses in partnership service for small programme, has helped an accounts in 2016. with Entrepreneurial businesses – regardless of estimated 4.5 million Foundation accounts are Spark by opening 6 new whether they bank with us young people understand an improved version of our hubs in 2016, bringing the or not. all about money. Basic bank account. total to 12. Women in business Leading lender Accredited Citizen’s Advice Bureau We work in partnership We have over 400 According to InfraDeals, We have been accredited with the Citizens Advice accredited Women in RBS has been the leading by the Royal National Bureau (CAB) to ensure Business specialists in lender to the UK Institute for Blind People customers in financial the UK who offer specialist renewables sector by for having an accessible difficulty are immediately expertise in supporting number of transactions mobile app for blind and transferred to an in-house women in business. over the past 5 years partially sighted customers. CAB Advisor. (2012-2016). Skills & Opportunities 40 years Technology Act Now Our Skills & Opportunities In 2016 our partnership with We are piloting We have ‘Act Now’ text Fund distributed £2.5m to the Prince’s Trust directly innovative technologies alert service to help 125 organisations, that helped over 2,000 young to help make mortgages customers manage their support people from people, with more than 120 more accessible money and avoid charges. disadvantaged supported in running their own communities start-up in business. business or get into employment. 66